GasBuddy Card Expiration

About 81% of our users who have Pay with GasBuddy cards were to expire in February 2020. With that being said we needed to create in-app and email experience to notify the user that their current cards were about to expire.
My Role
Lead Product Designer. I took lead on all UI and UX design for this experience. Worked closely with my Product Manager and Engineers on the Payments squad — collaborating together to meet the end goals.
User Flow
First I needed to think about was the user flow for both app and triggered emails:
Phase 1: Allow users to confirm their address and request a new card via soft touch within the app without any messaging.
Phase 2: Push and email campaigns to drive to web and app to have users confirm address and request a new card.
Phase 3: Ship remaining cards to active users.
Lo-Fi Prototype & Testing
I created low fidelity wireframes to show to engineers on how this experience will work within the app and for them to give early feedback. Testing was done internally once we had the experience in the debug app.

Final Design Iterations

Journey Map: